negara bagian dan teritorial di amerika serikat bahasa Inggris
- negara: nation; state; states; negara; countries;
- negara bagian: federated state; state; rank; position; province;
- bagian: divvy; section; subdivision; allotment;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- teritorial: territorial; territorial waters
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- amerika: america; american; americas; shreveport; grand
- amerika serikat: united state of america; united states; united
- serikat: union; united; syndicate; alinement; alignment;
- elektorat negara bagian dan teritorial di australia: electorates of the australian states and territories
- negara bagian di amerika serikat: states of the united states
- bangunan dan struktur di amerika serikat menurut negara bagian: buildings and structures in the united states by state
- daftar gubernur negara bagian di amerika serikat: lists of state governors of the united states
- ibu kota negara bagian di amerika serikat: state capitals in the united states
- jalan di amerika serikat menurut negara bagian: roads in the united states by state